Monday 3 November 2014

No 3: Pipeline

Seems that no matter what job I do, regardless of the company, I'm likely going to spend a certain amount of time each day in a meeting. And for the past 2 years - at 3 different companies - they've nearly always been pipeline meetings.

In my industry - TV & Film VFX/CG - the term pipeline is used to refer to the way we transport data from department (or discipline) to another. Raw stuff comes in at one end - Film footage, photos, 3d Models and other data.... it travels through the company via artists, technicians, producers and a myriad of software... and TV & Film comes out the other end, all shiny and polished and ready to enjoy.

If only it were that simple....

Pipeline meeting, JF Animation, Brixton, London, Nov 03 2014

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