Sunday, 7 December 2014

Not Instant Gram

Sunday Dinner today was courtesy of Shamini and included the glorious company of her Mum who's visiting the UK at the moment. We went 'western' for dinner with a Pork Roast with seasonal veg and chocolate cake for dessert. Simple but scrumptious

 Sunday Dinner with Sha & Mama Sha! London,  07 December 2014*

Too many people over-complicate Sunday dinner. It doesn't need to be fancy. Just made with Love. 

Shamini made a little side garnish of Creme Fraiche mixed with English Mustard, to go with Pork. It was exquisite! Definately taking that one back to the recipe bank!

And yes, the brussels sprouts mixed with Cabbage and whatever voodoo Sha added were awesome.

*I wanted to make this pic my first on Instagram, but seeing as the service only allows Square images I'm going old school and just keeping on my blog.